1. Terminology
1.1. Namespaces
Prefix | Namespace | Description |
rdf | http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# | [rdf-schema] |
foaf | http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ | [foaf] |
dfc-b | https://github.com/datafoodconsortium/ontology/releases/latest/download/DFC_BusinessOntology.owl# | Data Food Consortium ontology |
2. Generalities
A Solid product is a object in a Solid storage (or POD) which holds data about a product that can be provided by a Goods/Services Provider (GSP), see [solid-gsp].
There are different types of products: § 3 Functional products, § 4 Technical products, § 5 Supplied products, § 6 Localized products and § 7 Physical products.
Solid products are all built inside a single folder (LDP Container) in a Solid storage.
Let us call the URI of that folder -- less its final '/' -- $ROOT
It could be say, https://alice.example.org/myProduct/. Developers must never make assumptions
about where a Solid product is stored as users should be able to choose the location they want.
The product object is defined in the $ROOT/index
2.1. Access rights
By default, the products container are private. When one wants to make a product public, private properties can still be defined in a separated private document, let’s says $ROOT/index-private
, linked with the public $ROOT/index
document using the rdfs:seeAlso
2.2. Discovery
3. Functional products
4. Technical products
5. Supplied products
A Solid SuppliedProduct follows the rules defined in the § 2 Generalities section.
The RDF type of the SuppliedProduct is dfc-b:SuppliedProduct
For instance a "tomato" SuppliedProduct would be stored at https://alice.example.org/tomato/index:
@prefix dfc-b: <https://github.com/datafoodconsortium/ontology/releases/latest/download/DFC_BusinessOntology.owl#> . <> a dfc-b : SuppliedProduct ; dfc-b : name "Tomato" .
6. Localized products
7. Physical products